We’ve talked about moving around in directories and what they’re called, but we haven’t talked about ma king directories yet. So let’s do that. To make a directory, the command is mkdir. The command looks like:
Alpha:~ computerlamp$ mkdir deathstar
Now that we made it, if we do a ls we’ll see it
Alpha:~ computerlamp$ ls deathstar
You can look in it by doing
Alpha:~ computerlamp$ ls deathstar
And since it’s empty, then that command will show nothing. We can remove the directory with the command rmdir. The command looks like:
Alpha:~ computerlamp$ rmdir deathstar
What happens if I try to remove a directory that doesn’t exist?
Alpha:~ computerlamp$ rmdir notreal rmdir: notreal: No such file or directory
The command rmdir only works if the directory is empty. If it isn’t, this happens:
Alpha:~ computerlamp$ rmdir deathstar rmdir: deathstar/: Directory not empty
So now we know how to create directories. We can also change directory into the new directory with:
Alpha:~ computerlamp$ cd deathstar
And cd back to where we started with:
Alpha:~ computerlamp$ cd ..
Another trick to return to the directory we started with is:
Alpha:~ computerlamp$ cd -
You can think of this as ‘change directory back to where I started with, no matter how weird my new directory is.’