Category Archives: Networking


If the Avengers: Age of Ultron taught us anything, its that sometimes ideas fail spectacularly. Case in point, Ultron wanted to destroy the world to save that. That was a big mistake by Tony Stark, and not just a big mistake, a  BIG BIG mistake. On the Internet, sometimes things fail as well, just not as spectacularly as Ultron, but still, a failure. There’s a protocol to tell us that something went wrong, it’s called ICMP. It’s not nearly as dangerous as Ultron trying to make the world explode, and that’s a good thing.



In this post I said there were 65535 ports on a system. What happens if you try to access port 99999? That port doesn’t exist!




The good news is that your computer won’t blow up. That would be a good plot for a movie, don’t you think? Send a connection to a system on a particular port and watch the computer go BOOM. (Hollywood, if you use that, I thought of it first.)

The other good news is that you won’t even notice it when it happen, unless you’re sitting there watching every little bit of traffic coming to your computer (if so you need a new hobby). Your computer silently handles the problem by sending an ICMP packet saying ‘Nope, that’s not here.’

Your computer can also send ICMP packets out. The program ping uses what’s called an ICMP ECHO_REQUEST packet to see if another computer is alive and to find out how long it takes to get there. It runs like:


Alpha:~ computerlamp$ ping
PING ( 56 data bytes
64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=45 time=27.505 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=45 time=24.952 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=45 time=23.545 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=45 time=24.521 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=45 time=23.499 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=5 ttl=45 time=27.609 ms

It keeps going and going and going… until you use Control-C to stop it.

When I do hit control-C, it tells me some statistics about the traffic:

--- ping statistics ---
6 packets transmitted, 6 packets received, 0.0% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max/stddev = 23.499/25.272/27.609/1.695 ms

Or, I can use the -c flag for ping. That way it will only do the number of pings I tell it to:

Alpha:~ computerlamp$ ping
PING ( 56 data bytes
64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=45 time=24.166 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=45 time=23.373 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=45 time=23.462 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=45 time=23.437 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=45 time=23.783 ms

--- ping statistics ---
5 packets transmitted, 5 packets received, 0.0% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max/stddev = 23.373/23.644/24.166/0.297 ms



Remember the post where I mentioned /etc/services? Let’s talk more about that file.  It’s a list of all possible services you could run on your Linux® system, it doesn’t mean that your system is running those.

What port do web services use?  Well, web services are formally known as http, or HyperText Transport Protocol.  We’ll just call it http.   We can grep for http in /etc/services by:

Alpha:~ computerlamp$ grep http /etc/services

I got 105 lines back from that simple command.  I know that because I did this command when the first one scrolled a lot:

Alpha:~ computerlamp$ grep http /etc/services | wc -l

That’s a lot of ports.  Let’s pipe that command thorugh less and see what we get:

Alpha:~ computerlamp$ grep http /etc/services | less
http             80/udp     www www-http # World Wide Web HTTP
http             80/tcp     www www-http # World Wide Web HTTP
http-mgmt       280/udp     # http-mgmt
http-mgmt       280/tcp     # http-mgmt
https           443/udp     # http protocol over TLS/SSL
https           443/tcp     # http protocol over TLS/SSL
gss-http        488/udp     # gss-http
gss-http        488/tcp     # gss-http
http-alt        591/udp     # FileMaker, Inc. - HTTP Alternate (see Port 80)
http-alt        591/tcp     # FileMaker, Inc. - HTTP Alternate (see Port 80)
http-rpc-epmap  593/udp     # HTTP RPC Ep Map
http-rpc-epmap  593/tcp     # HTTP RPC Ep Map
multiling-http  777/udp     # Multiling HTTP
multiling-http  777/tcp     # Multiling HTTP
netconfsoaphttp 832/tcp     # NETCONF for SOAP over HTTPS
netconfsoaphttp 832/udp     # NETCONF for SOAP over HTTPS
llsurfup-http   1183/udp    # LL Surfup HTTP
llsurfup-http   1183/tcp    # LL Surfup HTTP
llsurfup-https  1184/udp    # LL Surfup HTTPS
llsurfup-https  1184/tcp    # LL Surfup HTTPS
compaq-https    2381/udp    # Compaq HTTPS

The first line is a comment and that points us to the website that has all the registered ports.

The second line is the UDP port for HTTP, which is port 80.  TCP uses the same port.  That’s the basic port that all web traffic goes over, unless it is encrypted.  If it’s encrypted, it uses port 443.  That’s what this sentence means ‘http protocol over TLS/SSL’, it means ‘http traffic that’s encrypted’.


How TCP Really Works

I talked about TCP and UDP in this post. Now we’re going to talk about how TCP really works, how it keeps that connection going. It’s how mail works, it’s how a lot of web traffic works, so how does that pipe keep going?


A pipe

A pipe

Well, it isn’t a physical pipe like that picture. It isn’t a physical connection at all and it also isn’t a psychic connection, instead, it’s a virtual connection.

It starts by the two systems, let’s call them Captain America and Black Panther, negotiating a connection.  The connection is called a handshake.

A handshake

A handshake

Actually it’s called a three-way handshake and it works like this:

Captain America tells Black Panther, “Hey, I want to talk to you.”. He does this by sending a packet called a SYN packet.

Black Panther then tells Captain America, “Gotcha! Good idea, Let’s talk.” He does this by sending back a packet called an ACK. The three-way is because Captain America acknowledges Black Panther’s agreement to talk by sending back his own ACK.

The TCP connection uses these three packets to set the connection up, SYN, ACK and ACK.

So they’re talking away, but like in all conversations, sometimes there’s a lull where neither side says anything. Maybe they’re each getting a nice drink, maybe they’re each writing a note to themselves to make fun of Iron Man, maybe they’re just taking a nap. The connection sends back and forth KEEP ALIVE packets to say ‘Hey, you still there?’ and the other side acknowledges ‘Yup, still here. Taking a nap, be back to talking with you in a minute.’

All conversations eventually end, or at least take enough of a break that you hang up the phone and do something else for a while. When this happens, the TCP connection is shutdown, like when you hang up your phone. Your phone tells the other guy ‘yup, I’m done’ and shuts down the communication. Similarly, the one end of the TCP connection will tell the other ‘I’m outta here’, which ends the connection.

TCP and UDP the Backbone of Traffic

In the previous post we talked about the /etc/services file and how that told the computer what ports to use for what traffic.  In that file we saw lots of mentions of tcp and udp but there wasn’t anything that told you what those two abbreviations meant.

In the Internet, there’s different destinations for traffic and there’s also different kinds of traffic.  They’re designed for two different things.

When you send a letter by snail mail, you open up the mailbox, drop your letter in, and hope it gets there.  It usually makes it to its destination, but you have no way of making sure it does.



On the other hand, when you make a phone call, you know it connects (because you’re talking to the other guy) and it works until either you hang up or the connection cuts off for some reason.  You don’t always know why it got interrupted, just that something cut it off.



We can communicate two ways, each of them designed for some specific reason.

In the Internet, udp traffic is like the mailbox.  Its traffic that just flows across the Internet with no verification that it made it.  It’s used in case when it’s not really a huge deal if the connection doesn’t work.  Network Time Protocol is an example of udp traffic.  It isn’t great if the time update doesn’t make it, but it isn’t the end of the world either.

On the other hand, tcp traffic is like the telephone call.  In tcp traffic, a connection is created between two systems and it is kept alive as long as they need it.  It’s for when you really want your traffic to make it from one system to another.  E-mail  uses tcp, because as I said before, people really want their email.

Network Traffic

You’re on the network, surfing away on the web, and there’s data just flowing to your box.  Even right now, when you’re looking at this web page, there’s data heading to your system. It’s network traffic and if you think of it as a pipe, your system has that flowing in all the time.  Imagine it as a water pipe, like this picture:

Leaky Pipe

Leaky Pipe

We’ll pretend our pipe isn’t leaking, since that would mean we’re losing network traffic.  Our pipe brings us all kinds of traffic as we surf away, some of which we want and some of which we don’t.

How does the computer know what kind of traffic the pipe is bringing it?  Computers are mostly stupid, if you put legs on one and told it to walk off a cliff, it would happily do that. We have to tell the computer what kind of traffic to expect, either DNS or web traffic or email, or other kinds of traffic we’re not mentioning here.

Back to our pipe analogy because it’s a really useful way to think about the traffic. If before the pipe connects to us, it separates itself into different types of traffic, that would work, right?

Many Pipes

Many Pipes

We can attach those little pipes to the pipe in the first picture and that would separate out the traffic.

The way modern operating systems (Linux© included) handle this is with ports.  The pipe connecting you to the network has labeled ports and the different kinds of traffic go to the different ports.  Web traffic goes to port 80, e-mail to port 25, DNS to port 53, and there’s more. Each machine has 65,535 ports on it for traffic to use.

I know you’re asking the next question:  How does the computer know what kinds of port do what kind of traffic?  Well, there’s a file for that.   It’s called /etc/services.  If you more it, you can find see people reserve ports for different kinds of applications.

There’s also a website  that keeps track of assigned ports.

Next time we’ll talk about what tcp and udp in the /etc/services file mean.



In the last two posts, we’ve talked about how email is handled in DNS. It’s an important first step, you can’t send email if you don’t know where it’s going to go. Now we’re going to talk about two parts of the email system called the MUA and MTA.

The MUA is the Mail User Agent. How’s that for a boring term? It means that program you (the user) are using to send and read email. That page in your web browser, that application on your phone, whatever you’re using, that’s called a MUA. I’ll list a few examples:

  • elm (REALLY OLD)
  • pine (Not as old as elm, but OLD)
  • outlook (Microsoft’s flagship!)
  • your web browser of choice
  • thunderbird (OLD)
  • mail (aka that app on your Mac)

That’s just a few of the programs that can send and read email. Your system doesn’t actually receive it though, that’s the job of the MTA. Your MUA doesn’t do the real job of sending it either, it hands that off to the MTA as well.

So what’s an MTA? An MTA is a Mail Transfer Agent. It’s the computer program that actually sends and receives your email. You don’t see it work, it’s like when you send your email you drop it into a box:

A box

A box

the MTA picks it up and sends it along, like a postman:

Postal Van

Postal Van

And it lands in the other person’s Inbox:



Of course, that’s not what your inbox looks like, but it’s  a pretty picture.  Your inbox is actually a file whose format depends on the MTA and most MTAs have their own format.

There’s many different MTAs available. Your system uses whatever the system administrator set up, so you don’t have to worry about it. A few of them are:

  • sendmail (one of the originals!)
  • exim (not as old as sendmail)
  • qmail (older than exim but not as old as sendmail)

You don’t have to worry about the set up and management of these systems, someone else does that. If you want to learn, there’s books (and books and books) on the subject.

MX Preference

In the previous post, we talked about MX records. When we looked at’s MX records, there were numbers before the hostnames. Those numbers are preferences, also known as MX preference.

How’s that for a technically boring term? MX preference means something when the computer is determining which of the records to use as a destination for my email. Let’s look at those results for again: mail is handled by 40 mail is handled by 20 mail is handled by 30 mail is handled by 10 mail is handled by 5


The one with the lowest number has the highest preference. How’s that for a contradictory sentence? But it’s how it works. This means that if I’m sending email to, then the first place it’s going to try is the system If this fails, then it goes to the next in the list by preference, that is,

The geniuses (Not Dr. Strange and Ironman!) who designed this knew that people really wanted to get their email. Well, not spam email, but they didn’t consider that. They knew that people really wanted email and it should work, so they made it so what should happen is that the system sending the email should try each in order of MX preference.

Not everyone does it, of course. The Internet is a cooperative and it depends on people doing the ‘right thing’ or an approximation close enough to keep things running. Sometimes you’ll send an email and see a bounce from the mailer-daemon (not a real demon), but if you try again in just a few minutes, it’ll go through.

Either the other domain didn’t have a server up to receive the email or the system didn’t check through the MX preference list like it should have, or there was a real demon in the system. Any one of these could have caused the problem.  Especially the demon, demons are trouble.

Fred the Demon

Fred the Demon

I call mine Fred.

Disclaimer: There are no real demons in the Internet. …I think.

Email and DNS

I get lots of email, some of it I want, some of it I’d rather not see. I’m sure that’s true for everyone with an email address. If I get the email, how does it get there? If I send email to my brother, how does my computer know how to get the email to him? It’s a bit of a complicated process, so we’re going to break it down and start by talking about Email and DNS.

One day, I decide I want to send an email to

Why did I say rather than a domain like or That’s because is a domain that was set aside at the beginning of Internet time so people can use it in examples without referring to existing domains. It’s an example, just like its name.  It’s useful to use it because existing domains have been known to go away or change behavior, but is always that, an example.

Ok, back to the subject at hand!

I’m sending email to and my first question is how does my email know where to send it?  My second question is, do I send it to or somewhere else?

The geniuses that set up the Internet originally knew that the owner of a domain wasn’t necessarily the same person that ran the domain. The  domain is what has this blog and while I own that domain, I don’t run things around here. I let DreamHost (Hi guys!) run this for me. That means that they handle my email, I don’t. All I do is read it.

DNS lets us know this by using the MX record. (MX means ‘mail exchanger’. They skipped the E when they made the acronym.)

The MX record for is: mail is handled by 0 mail is handled by 0

I did this using the command host.  Using the -t flag, my command was:

Alpha:~ computerlamp$ host -t MX

If I wanted to know who handles the email for, I’d do:

Alpha:~ computerlamp$ host -t MX mail is handled by 40 mail is handled by 20 mail is handled by 30 mail is handled by 10 mail is handled by 5

I got 5 responses back… with numbers in them! Next time, we’ll talk about what those numbers mean.

Network Time Protocol

Ever noticed how a clock may not have the exact right time? Like it’s close, but not there? The same thing can happen with a computer. It relies upon its internal clock, but that can be almost, but not quite, right. Luckily, there’s a protocol to fix that (the unofficial motto of the Internet) called Network Time Protocol.

This lets you automatically make sure the clock on your computer is set to the right time. This is really important if you have many computers working together. Kind of like Tony Stark’s drones in the Age of Ultron movie. Suppose he sent them after Ultron but the clocks are all just a little bit off. Instead of blasting Ultron all at once, you’d get one shot, a few minutes later another, and then another, and.. see? that’s not a good thing. You want one BLAST to take Ultron (and HIS drones) out.

So, how does it work? To begin with, you have a really accurate clock, something like an Atomic Clock. That has an awesome name, right? Sounds like something used in a Doomsday weapon to make sure that no one can stop it, except maybe Super Man. It’s one of the most accurate clocks known, so that’s a good thing to ask.

There’s computers that synchronize directly to the clocks, so those are a good thing to ask too. Generally, there’s a list of servers on your system that your system will synchronize to. Network Time Protocol is designed to use the list and say ‘yo, other computer, tell me what time it is’ and then adjust your computer if it’s off.

The list of servers is kept in the file ntp.conf which is generally located at /etc/ntp.conf. Let’s look at it:

# /etc/ntp.conf, configuration for ntpd

driftfile /var/lib/ntp/ntp.drift
statsdir /var/log/ntpstats/

statistics loopstats peerstats clockstats
filegen loopstats file loopstats type day enable
filegen peerstats file peerstats type day enable
filegen clockstats file clockstats type day enable

# You do need to talk to an NTP server or two (or three).
#server ntp.your-provider.example

# maps to more than 300 low-stratum NTP servers.
# Your server will pick a different set every time it starts up.
#  *** Please consider joining the pool! ***
#  *** <> ***
server iburst
server iburst
server iburst
server iburst

There’s lots of information in there. The important part is the names after that word server. This computer uses servers by the name of, and to keep the time straight. This means that if one of those isn’t available, the Network Time Protocol will ask one of the other ones.
One of the interesting facts about the Network Time Protocol is that it’s one of the oldest protocols on the Internet. People have been trying to keep the times synchronized on their computers as long as they’ve been able to talk to other computers.

Ping — Are You There Computer?

We talked about traceroute, that’s a way to see how your traffic gets to its destination.  Like putting a GPS tracker on someone and saying ‘now how did you get to the comic book store?’.  What if you want to know ‘is the other computer on the network’?  Not how do I get there, but just are you there?  There’s a command for that!  It’s called ping.

ping is a way of saying ‘are you alive?’ to another computer.  It doesn’t mean the computer is actually doing anything worthwhile, but it does mean that the computer is talking on the network.

It’s like playing ping pong.

One Person Ping Pong

One Person Ping Pong

Pretend that there’s a field that blocks your view of the other guy.   You hit the ball over to him and the only way you’re sure he’s over there is if he hits it back to you. He could be there and just not in the mood to hit, but you don’t know because you can’t see him.

Alpha:~ computerlamp$ ping
PING ( 56 data bytes
64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=54 time=16.306 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=54 time=15.747 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=54 time=15.769 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=54 time=15.342 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=54 time=16.163 ms

If you try it, you’ll see that it keeps pinging along and it’ll keep going until you hit control-C to stop it.  When you do that, you’ll see:

--- ping statistics ---
5 packets transmitted, 5 packets received, 0.0% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max/stddev = 15.342/15.865/16.306/0.341 ms

It’s nice how it keeps up with the statistics, doesn’t it?  And it tells you how long the ping took in milliseconds.

Suppose we know we only want to ping a computer a couple of times.  There’s a flag for that!

Alpha:~ computerlamp$ ping -c 2 PING ( 56 data bytes 64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=242 time=51.122 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=242 time=50.637 ms — ping statistics — 2 packets transmitted, 2 packets received, 0.0% packet loss round-trip min/avg/max/stddev = 50.637/50.880/51.122/0.243 ms

If your favorite website is down, or not responding to your polite web request, then a good first step is to ping it.  Maybe the entire computer is down and if it is, well, maybe you could try a traceroute next.  A traceroute might tell you if the computer is down or if there’s something down between you and the computer.

In other words, ping is a useful networking tool to keep in your Linux® bag of tricks.